Thursday, December 10, 2009

IR (that means to go in Spanish hmm) International Relations

Buenas everybody!!!
Hey so today I had to turn in a paper for international political economy. Tomorrow I have my last final in American Political thought, and then I'm out of here. I'm headed to Dallas tomorrow going to go see my friend Ro, and my friends Mark and Ali.
I'm supposed to graduate from ACU with a degree in Political Science focusing on International Relations and I don't like politics. Honestly, I don't enjoy politics, I'm going to get a degree in something that I don't enjoy. That kind of stinks. Don't get me wrong, I think its very interesting however if I was doing what I really enjoy I would be getting a degree in International Studies. The difference between the two is that International Studies is more focused on history, culture, and language while International Relations focuses on the Politics between countries. "Science is my passion, but politics is my duty" Thomas Jefferson I think this is a really interesting quotation because I feel the same way. I think that the only way that I can really help people is by working to change policy. I am a very passionate person, and what I am passionate about is trying to improve peoples lives. I feel like with my gifts and talents I have to work in the government. So right now I'm moving towards this type of career...I don't know if that is where I'm going to end up, but I know that I want to be helping people.
just some thoughts
good night everybody
yall be careful and ojala que estes con una sonrisa

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